MFT Automation Blog

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Automation (3)

5 Engineers that Helped Shape Industrial Automation

From the steam engine to cloud computing, industrial automation has seen rapid advancements since the first industrial revolution. We are, as they say, standing on the shoulders of giants, with almost all inventions built on the knowledge from the great engineers and intellectuals that came before us. For National Engineers Week we’d like to spotlight some amazing engineers that helped shaped the industrial automation industry.

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automation at a factory

4 Ways Automation Reduces Production Costs

Humans are incredibly adaptable and innovative. The best example of these qualities is the Industrial Revolutions. From the steam power of the First Industrial Revolution to the creation of electric power in the Second revolution to the advancement of computers, telecommunications, and data analysis in the Third revolution. The most recent, Fourth Industrial Revolution also known as Industry 4.0 includes the development of things such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, collaborative robots, and the Internet of Things (IoT) which allow manufacturing companies to make data-driven decisions to produce products more efficiently. All of these industrial revolutions came at a time where demand was skyrocketing and production needed to adapt and become more productive to keep up with the changing times.

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