MFT Automation Blog

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Automation (2)

Everything You Need to Know About Industry 5.0

Since the beginning of humanity, humans have been adapting and innovating technology to create a better quality of life. From the steam engine to complex robotic assembly lines, humans have constantly pushed toward a more productive future. These technological advancements are marked in history as the Industrial Revolutions.

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Keeping Things Moving: Upgrade Your Automation System with Conveyors

One of the most significant advantages of automating, or even partially automating a process, is the time saved by allowing workers to focus on more than one task or eliminating the need for human workers altogether. An uninterrupted process is a significant factor in successful production. From simple to complex automation systems, conveyors keep things moving within the system and in some cases even extend the system’s capacity and runtimes. A conveyor can be a silent hero of a system but the wrong conveyor can be an obtrusive nuisance that needs constant attention and upkeep. 

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How To Automate Your UPC Labeling & Inventory Tracking

Keeping track of inventory is one of the top priorities of internal operations for any business. A common way stores and companies track inventory is with barcodes which can be scanned to identify the product and its price. With barcode labels, products can be tracked from production to the point of sale, or even to contact a customer if there is a major recall on the product. There are two major types of barcodes used in the world. 

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How Are Robots Used In the Food Packaging Industry?

Since the dawn of automation, the food packaging industry has always been a top consumer of robotics for their production lines. The fast-paced food packaging industry works hard to keep up with the growing demands of consumers and recently has been trying to overcome the recent global events and concerns. The food packaging robotics market size is expected to grow by over $1.03 billion in 2022. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased public interest in food safety with many consumers demanding transparency and pushing for more regulations and requirements for food packaging. This public outcry has incentivized companies to eliminate even more human contact from their food packaging production lines. To meet the growing food safety and output demands of consumers, the food packaging industry is once again turning towards more automation.

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